Find Your Voice: Laura Rudnyánszky Shares Her Vision for Empowering Women in Romania

By Victoria Harding

“Women in Romania, like in many other countries, may face various barriers while pursuing education. I want to use my voice to raise awareness, challenge biases, and drive positive change.” Today’s woman dreamer, Laura Rudnyánszky, is a lawyer and DEI advocate, based in Bucharest, Romania. She aspires to create more diversity and inclusion in the legal sector, and foster more entrepreneurship amongst legal professionals in Romania. In her Women Who Win interview, she shares actionable tips on how organizations can address global gender equality and identifies some of the key barriers women in Romania face. A must read interview!

  1. Your work supports and empowers women in Romania. Tell us your story and about your career path.

I hold academic titles such as: LL. B in Law, LL. B in Management, LL.M Private International Law, Postgraduate Degree in Civil Law. I managed to perfectly combine the two distinct but at the same time very complementary areas such as law and management in the more than 15 years of activity that make up my legal career, both in the fields of private practice and in house consultancy, thus accumulating experience in managing legal issues in the Telco sector, production advertising, technology, etc. I am also an accredited Mediator since 2013 in any type of dispute (EN and Spanish) and DPO since 2018 and adding privacy law under my umbrella, now acting also as local PRCO of Teleperformance Romania.

My first years of my legal career I held a position of under Officer within local Special Telecommunications Services - STS, years which marked my professional ascent. From the state sector I moved to the private sector collaborating with law firms such as "Dragne si Asociatii", "Raducan Licari Giambasu si Asociatii", etc.

2. Your goal is to support entrepreneurship among legal women in Romania. What advice do you have for women in legal and entrepreneurial roles?

For women in legal and entrepreneurial roles, I have several pieces of advice that can help you succeed and thrive in your endeavors:

  • Believe in yourself: Have confidence in your abilities and trust your instincts. Recognize your strengths and embrace your unique perspective as a woman in these fields. Self-belief will help you overcome obstacles and take calculated risks.

  • Seek knowledge and continuous learning: Stay updated with the latest trends, regulations, and practices in both the legal and entrepreneurial realms. Invest in your professional development through courses, workshops, and conferences. A growth mindset and a commitment to learning will keep you ahead of the curve.

  • Build a strong professional network: Cultivate relationships with colleagues, mentors, and other professionals in your industry. Networking can open doors to opportunities, provide guidance, and offer support. Actively participate in industry events, join relevant associations, and seek out mentorship opportunities.

  • Find your voice and advocate for yourself: Speak up and assert yourself in professional settings. Share your ideas, perspectives, and opinions confidently. It's essential to communicate your value and contributions effectively. Don't be afraid to negotiate for fair compensation and advancement opportunities.

  • Embrace resilience and perseverance: The legal and entrepreneurial fields can be challenging, but setbacks and failures are part of the journey. Develop resilience and bounce back from obstacles. Learn from your experiences, adapt to change, and keep pushing forward.

  • Foster collaboration and mentorship: Collaborate with others, both within and outside your organization. Seek out opportunities to work on diverse teams and projects. Mentorship can be valuable, both as a mentee and a mentor. Offer support to other women in the field and learn from the experiences of those who have walked the path before you.

  • Prioritize work-life balance and self-care: It's important to maintain a healthy work-life balance to prevent burnout. Set boundaries, establish self-care routines, and be available for activities that recharge you mentally, emotionally, and physically. Taking care of yourself will enhance your performance and overall well-being.

  • Embrace diversity and inclusion: Encourage diversity and inclusion in your workplace and entrepreneurial endeavors. Value diverse perspectives and create an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and respected. Champion opportunities for underrepresented groups and be an ally to others.

Remember, these tips are general advice, and your journey will be unique. Find what works best for you, stay true to yourself, and never stop pursuing your goals and ambitions.

3. Education plays a crucial role in empowering women and breaking down barriers to success. What barriers do women in Romania face while pursuing education and what can people and organizations do to help?

Women in Romania, like in many other countries, may face various barriers while pursuing education. Some common challenges include:

Gender stereotypes and societal expectations: Traditional gender roles and stereotypes can limit educational opportunities for women. Societal expectations may prioritize domestic responsibilities over educational pursuits, leading to lower enrollment rates and limited access to resources and support.

Lack of representation and role models: A lack of female representation in leadership positions and educational fields can discourage women from pursuing certain disciplines or careers. Limited visibility of successful women in education can make it difficult for aspiring female students to envision themselves in similar roles.

Economic constraints: Financial limitations can be a significant barrier for women seeking higher education. Economic factors such as poverty, lack of financial support, and unequal access to scholarships or educational loans can impede women's ability to pursue education.

Gender-based discrimination and harassment: Instances of gender-based discrimination, sexism, and harassment can create hostile environments that hinder women's educational experiences. Such barriers can negatively impact their motivation, mental health, and overall academic performance.

4. How can people work together to foster more diverse environments and more gender equality in their organizations? What are some steps people can take?

To help overcome these barriers, individuals and organizations can take the following steps:

  • Encourage discussions and initiatives that challenge gender stereotypes and promote equal opportunities for women in education. This can involve advocating for inclusive policies and fostering a supportive environment that values diversity and equal participation.

  • Raise awareness: Educate the public about the importance of gender equality in education and the long-term benefits it brings to society. Raise awareness about the barriers women face and highlight successful women who have overcome challenges to inspire and motivate others.

  • Provide mentorship and role models: Establish mentorship programs that connect female students with successful women in their desired fields. Encourage female professionals and leaders to serve as role models, sharing their experiences and offering guidance to aspiring women.

  • Financial support: Offer scholarships, grants, and financial assistance programs specifically targeting women in education. Such programs can alleviate economic burdens and ensure equal access to educational opportunities. Combat discrimination and harassment: Advocate for safe and inclusive learning environments. Implement policies and procedures to address gender-based discrimination and harassment promptly and effectively. Foster a culture of respect and promote zero tolerance for any form of discrimination or mistreatment.

  • Encourage STEM education: Promote science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education among women. Encourage girls to pursue STEM subjects from an early age, provide access to resources and mentorship, and address the gender gap in STEM fields.

  • Support community organizations: Collaborate with local organizations and nonprofits working to empower women and promote education. Offer resources, funding, or volunteer support to initiatives that aim to bridge the gender gap in education. By addressing these barriers and actively supporting women in education, individuals and organizations can contribute to creating a more equitable and inclusive educational landscape in Romania.

5. Gender-based violence is a problem around the world, including Romania. How is your organization addressing this issue?

Addressing gender-based violence requires a multi-faceted approach involving various stakeholders, including governments, NGOs, community organizations, and individuals. Here are some common strategies and actions organizations may undertake to address gender-based violence as this is very sensitive subject to be addressed:

  • Raising awareness: Organizations play a crucial role in raising awareness about the prevalence, causes, and consequences of gender-based violence. They can conduct campaigns, workshops, and public awareness programs to educate the public and promote a culture of respect, consent, and non-violence.

  • Providing support services: Organizations often establish helplines, crisis centers, and shelters to provide immediate assistance and support to survivors of gender-based violence. They may offer counseling, legal aid, medical services, and referrals to other relevant resources.

  • Advocacy and policy reform: Organizations advocate for policy changes and legal reforms to better protect survivors of gender-based violence. They work with governments and lawmakers to develop comprehensive legislation, strengthen existing laws, and ensure their effective implementation. They may also push for the allocation of sufficient resources for prevention, intervention, and support services.

  • Capacity building and training: Organizations offer training programs for professionals, such as law enforcement officials, healthcare providers, social workers, and educators, to enhance their understanding of gender-based violence and improve their response to survivors. This includes training on trauma-informed approaches, cultural sensitivity, and effective support strategies.

  • Collaboration and partnerships: Organizations collaborate with other stakeholders, such as government agencies, NGOs, and community groups, to coordinate efforts, share resources, and develop comprehensive strategies to address gender-based violence. They may form coalitions, task forces, or networks to strengthen the collective impact of their work.

  • Research and data collection: Organizations conduct research studies and collect data on gender-based violence to understand its root causes, prevalence, and impacts. This research helps inform policy decisions, program development, and targeted interventions.

  • Engaging men and boys: Organizations recognize the importance of engaging men and boys in efforts to address gender-based violence. They may develop educational programs and workshops that promote healthy masculinity, challenge harmful gender norms, and encourage men to become allies in preventing violence.

It's important to note that the specific actions taken by organizations can vary depending on their focus areas, available resources, and the local context. Different organizations may have different approaches, but the common goal is to combat gender-based violence, provide support to survivors, and work towards creating a society free from violence and discrimination.

6. You are motivated by helping women. As the platform for women dreamers, what is your next big dream?

My continuous dream is leading by example as a CLO and DE&I Ambassador of Teleperformance Romania and be a role model for others. I want to demonstrate inclusive behaviors, champion diversity, and actively support underrepresented individuals. I hope to encourage open dialogue, respectful communication, and collaborative problem-solving within your professional networks and beyond. I plan to dedicate myself to mentoring and sponsoring women and individuals from underrepresented groups in the legal field. I will provide guidance, support, and opportunities for their professional growth. By investing in the success of others, I always can contribute to building a more diverse and inclusive legal community.

Also, I dream to leverage my expertise and position to advocate for DE&I in the legal profession. I started participating in speaking engagements, panel discussions, or conferences to share insights, experiences, and best practices. I want to use my voice to raise awareness, challenge biases, and drive positive change.

I am open to contribute to the body of knowledge on DE&I in the legal sector through research, publications, or thought leadership articles. I hope to explore topics such as the impact of diversity on legal outcomes, effective strategies for inclusive hiring and retention, or the business case for diversity in legal teams. I want to work in progress to engage with professional organizations, bar associations, and regulatory bodies to influence policies and industry practices that support diversity and inclusion.

Thank you Laura for sharing your story with us! We are excited to have you in our global women’s network!