Empowerment Through Education: Irum Kousar Shares Unconventional and Resilient Journey and Mission to Educate Young Girls

By Amisha Arora

“Growing up in a rural area where girls' education was not widely encouraged, my journey to becoming an Academic Writer and Educator was far from conventional.” Today’s woman dreamer, Irum Kousar is an academic writer and educator based in Pakistan, with a passion for educating and empowering women. In this inspiring interview with Women Who Win, Irum shares her unconventional and persistent journey, her mission to educate young girls, and her education methodology. She writes, “Education is a transformative force that can break through barriers and create opportunities. Education is a tool that empowers individuals to shape their destinies, and by embodying this belief, you'll inspire your students to believe the same.”

  1. Tell us your story. Currently, you are an Academic Writer and Educator. How did you accomplish this and what was your journey like? Tell us a little bit about how you got to this point.

In a rural area where girls' education was not widely encouraged, my journey to becoming an Academic Writer and Educator was far from conventional and filled with challenges. The path I traversed was not an easy one, but it shaped me into the determined and resilient individual I am today.

Growing up in an environment where education for girls was often overlooked, I faced numerous obstacles right from the start. However, I was unwavering in my determination to pursue an education. Despite the societal norms that suggested otherwise, I recognized the value of learning and its potential to transform my life.

Early on, I encountered the hurdle of getting married at a young age. While this might have deterred others from pursuing their dreams, I refused to let it become a roadblock. Instead, I saw it as an opportunity to prove to myself and others that personal circumstances would not hinder my thirst for knowledge and personal growth.

Balancing my responsibilities as a wife, a mother, and my educational aspirations was a daunting task, but I persevered. I embarked on my education journey, even if it meant taking unconventional routes. I sought out opportunities to learn whenever I could, often relying on self-study and seeking guidance from mentors who believed in the power of education.

To sustain my journey, I took a bold step and began teaching at a private school. This not only helped me support myself financially but also allowed me to remain immersed in the world of learning. Teaching others became a passion of mine, and I discovered the joy of imparting knowledge to eager minds.

The challenges and adversities I faced only made me stronger. They instilled in me a sense of resilience, determination, and a fierce drive to succeed against all odds. As I continued my educational pursuits and teaching career, I started to share my experiences and insights through writing. This marked the beginning of my journey as an Academic Writer, where I combined my practical teaching experience with my love for learning.

The path I chose was far from conventional, but it was uniquely mine. The struggles I overcame in a society that didn't readily support my ambitions became the driving force behind my accomplishments. Today, as an Academic Writer and Educator, I draw upon my personal journey to inspire and empower others who might be facing similar challenges. My story stands as a testament to the fact that determination, resilience, and an unyielding commitment to education can lead to transformative change, even in the most challenging circumstances.

2. What drew you to becoming what you are now? You have earned many awards and accomplished many achievements. What inspired you to achieve this?

The inspiration to become who I am today, with the many awards and achievements, stems from a deep-rooted admiration for strong individuals who have overcome challenges and risen above adversity. Witnessing their journeys ignited a fire within me to not only become strong myself but to excel in my professional pursuits.

I saw strength in those who refused to be limited by societal norms and obstacles. Their stories of triumph against all odds showed me that with determination and courage, I could shape my own destiny. This realization propelled me forward, driving me to build my own strength and confidence.

The journey towards achieving excellence in my professional career was guided by this newfound self-assuredness. I understood that by embracing challenges and learning from them, I could refine my skills and reach new heights. This commitment to continuous improvement and a thirst for knowledge fueled my pursuit of perfection.

At the heart of my aspirations lay a dream of becoming a beacon, a star that shines brightly and is visible from far away. This metaphor symbolized not only achieving success for myself but also becoming a source of inspiration and guidance for others. I wanted my journey to illuminate the path for those who felt daunted by their circumstances, showing them that with resilience and unwavering determination, they too could achieve greatness.

The awards and accomplishments that followed were not just symbols of personal achievement; they were a testament to the power of resilience and the willingness to strive for excellence. Each accolade represented a milestone reached on a path that had been forged through perseverance, hard work, and a deep-seated belief in the transformative potential of education and determination.

As an Academic Writer and Educator, I'm driven by the desire to share my story and insights with others. By doing so, I hope to encourage individuals to overcome their challenges and dare to dream big. I stand as living proof that even in the face of adversity, one can emerge stronger, more knowledgeable, and ready to make a lasting impact. My journey from a rural area with limited opportunities to the achievements I've earned today stands as a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and the pursuit of excellence.

3. What did you do differently from others to make you stand out? Do you have any specific techniques or strategies that helped you accomplish so much?

Throughout my journey, it was the unique combination of approaches and attitudes that truly set me apart and paved the way for my achievements. While there's no one-size-fits-all formula for success, I found that a collection of strategies and mindsets played an instrumental role in shaping my path.

Central to my journey was an unwavering persistence that stood as a cornerstone. I refused to let setbacks or obstacles divert me from my goals. Regardless of the challenges that emerged, my commitment remained steadfast, propelling me to consistently strive for improvement and growth.

A positive resilience approach allowed me to view negative criticism not as a setback, but as an opportunity to enhance myself. By embracing feedback and adapting to shifting circumstances, I was able to continually refine my skills and perspectives.

Rather than shying away from challenges, I welcomed them as avenues for personal and professional development. This approach led me to venture into new and sometimes intimidating territories, expanding my capabilities and uncovering latent potential.

Recognizing the ever-evolving nature of learning, I embraced a commitment to continuous education. Whether through formal studies, self-guided exploration, or engaging with mentors, I understood that this pursuit was critical to staying adaptable, relevant, and open to innovative ideas.

A transformative principle I adopted involved channeling negative criticism into a catalyst for growth. This practice of objectively dissecting critiques and applying them constructively enabled me to pinpoint areas for enhancement and refine my work.

Consistency emerged as a powerful force throughout my journey. By maintaining an unwavering focus on my objectives and consistently investing effort to realize them, I laid a sturdy foundation for my accomplishments to flourish over time.

Fostering a growth-oriented mindset was pivotal. This outlook treated challenges as opportunities for learning, allowing me to pivot, innovate, and surmount obstacles that might otherwise have seemed insurmountable.

A vivid aspiration – to shine as a guiding star visible from afar – served as a motivating touchstone. This vision resonated deeply, propelling me to pursue excellence with unyielding determination.

Strategic planning played a complementary role. While embracing challenges, I methodically mapped out my journey. Realistic yet ambitious goals, coupled with actionable plans and diligent progress tracking, ensured my efforts were purposeful and results-oriented.

My journey was significantly enriched by a support network comprising mentors, allies, and kindred spirits. These connections provided a wellspring of encouragement, insights, and experiences that bolstered my own growth.

In summation, my journey was characterized by an amalgamation of qualities including tenacity, adaptability, a thirst for knowledge, and a positive perspective on challenges. These principles, woven together, fueled my accomplishments and enabled me to inspire others on their own quests for success.

4. Becoming such a remarkable and inspiring teacher to many women comes with hardships. What advice would you give to other people entering the same field?

For those entering the field of education, particularly in circumstances where challenges and hardships are abundant, my advice would be rooted in the lessons I've learned throughout my own journey. These insights are not just applicable to women, but to anyone who seeks to make a meaningful impact as an educator.

Education is a transformative force that can break through barriers and create opportunities. Recognize the immense potential it holds not only for the students you'll teach but also for your own personal growth. Education is a tool that empowers individuals to shape their destinies, and by embodying this belief, you'll inspire your students to believe the same.

Face the challenges especially when you're breaking norms or entering an underrepresented field. Perseverance is your greatest ally. When faced with setbacks or resistance, remember that each obstacle is a chance to prove your dedication and resilience. Keep moving forward, adapting as needed, and never lose sight of your goals.

As a teacher, you are a role model to your students. Your actions and choices will speak volumes. Demonstrate the values you hope to instill in your students, such as hard work, determination, and a thirst for knowledge. By leading through your own example, you'll inspire them to embrace these qualities too. Education is about opening doors to a world of possibilities. Encourage your students to dream big, to believe in themselves, and to pursue their passions with fervor. Let them see that they are capable of achieving greatness, regardless of their background or circumstances. Remember that progress is incremental, and every small achievement matters. Celebrate the victories, both big and small, with your students. Acknowledging their efforts will boost their confidence and motivation, and it will reinforce the value of persistence.

Education is an evolving field, and staying current with new teaching methods and subject matter is crucial. Embrace a mindset of continuous learning and improvement. Adapt your approaches based on your students' needs and the changing educational landscape. Foster an environment where students feel safe to express themselves, ask questions, and explore their interests. Inclusivity and empathy are essential components of effective teaching, and they help create a conducive atmosphere for learning. Amidst the challenges, remember to find joy in the journey. Witnessing your students' growth, witnessing their "aha" moments, and witnessing their accomplishments will remind you why you chose this path. The impact you make can be immeasurable and deeply rewarding.

Lastly, hold onto your belief in the purpose of education and your role as a teacher. Your dedication can ignite a lifelong love for learning in your students, inspiring them to chase their dreams and effect positive change in their communities.

In sum, becoming an educator is a remarkable endeavor that comes with both trials and triumphs. By embodying these principles and carrying your passion for education forward, you have the potential to touch lives, uplift communities, and inspire a future generation of leaders.

5. Were there any times anyone ever doubted your skills? If yes, how did you overcome this and continue to work hard?

Absolutely, there were numerous instances where my skills and aspirations were met with doubt and discouragement, especially due to my gender. As a female, the prevailing mindset in my surroundings often questioned the worth of my efforts towards education. Many considered my pursuit of knowledge to be a futile endeavor, believing that my primary role should revolve around household responsibilities.

However, I refused to be deterred by these doubts and biases. The skepticism and discouragement only fueled my determination to prove myself. I recognized that my journey was not just about personal success; it was about breaking stereotypes and advocating for the rights of females to access education and choose their paths.

With each obstacle that came my way, I saw an opportunity to demonstrate the power of education and determination. Overcoming doubts and disproving negative assumptions became a driving force. The achievements I accumulated along the way were not just a reflection of my capabilities, but also a testament to the potential within every woman who seeks to rise above societal expectations.

Today, as I work tirelessly in rural areas to champion the cause of female education rights, I am well aware that there are those who still question the significance of this endeavor. Many continue to hold onto outdated beliefs about a woman's role in society. However, I persist because I've witnessed firsthand the transformative impact education can have on individuals and communities.

My strategy for overcoming doubt has always been rooted in my unwavering belief in the importance of education and the strength of my own convictions. I've chosen to lead by example, demonstrating the value that education brings to both personal growth and societal progress. By persistently working towards my goals and showcasing the positive outcomes of my efforts, I aim to change minds and reshape perceptions.

The journey to advocate for female education rights is not without its challenges, but each step forward reinforces my commitment. Every time I see a young girl gain confidence through education, I know that my perseverance is making a difference. Doubts may still exist, but I've learned to harness them as motivation to press on, driven by the vision of a society where every woman's potential is recognized and celebrated.

6. Lastly, what advice would you give to any women entering the same field?

To the women embarking on a journey in the same field, especially in the face of skepticism and challenges due to societal norms, I offer the following advice based on my own experiences:

Believing in yourself is the foundation of your journey. Remember to never underestimate your potential and the impact you can make. Your dreams and aspirations are valid, and your capabilities are boundless. The path you've chosen might be unconventional, but it's one that can lead to remarkable growth and change.

Challenges are inevitable, but your resilience will be your greatest ally. Stay steadfast in your commitment to your goals, even when the path ahead seems tough. The hurdles you encounter can be stepping stones to success, reminding you of your strength and determination. Embrace these challenges as opportunities to learn, adapt, and showcase your capabilities.

Your actions have the power to ignite change. By pursuing your own education and professional growth, you're already setting an example for others to challenge norms and aim higher. In a society that might doubt your abilities, your journey becomes a source of inspiration for those who dare to dream beyond limitations. Your success is not just personal; it's a statement that women can excel in any field they choose.

As you navigate your path, seek out allies who believe in your aspirations. Surround yourself with people who support and uplift you, offering guidance and encouragement when the road gets tough. These allies can provide a valuable support network, helping you navigate the challenges you'll inevitably face.

Doubts will come your way, but you have the power to turn them into motivation. Every obstacle you overcome becomes a testament to your determination and capabilities. Let doubt fuel your fire, reminding you that with each challenge conquered, you're paving the way for other women to follow in your footsteps.

Set clear goals for yourself and create a roadmap to achieve them. A well-defined vision will guide your efforts and help you measure your progress. Stay informed about your field and the world around you, as knowledge is a powerful tool that enhances your confidence and impact.

Remember, your journey is not just about you. By pursuing education and empowerment, you're making a profound impact on the lives of others. Your contribution to instruction is invaluable, and through your dedication and achievements, you're shaping a future where women can thrive, excel, and lead in any area they choose. Your journey embodies strength, resilience, and the transformative power of education, and it serves as a beacon of hope for those who dare to challenge the challenge of where you stand.

Thank you Irum for sharing your story with us! We are thrilled to have you in our global women’s network!

Bio: My name is Irum Kousar, and I'm from the small town of Digri in a rural region of Sindh, Pakistan. I am a teacher, a master trainer, and an academic writer. In Sindh's rural areas, I volunteer my time to promote women's rights to education.I received various awards for my achievements and noteworthy efforts for education but the most significant came when I was given a fellowship for the Teaching Excellence & Achievement Programme, 2022, at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA, which was funded by RELO Pakistan.