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Indian Matchmaking Season 2 Review: Tamanna’s TV Picks

Let’s assume I am Sima Taparia and I am given the task of finding a perfect match for you. You give me a list of preferences and let me give you 100%. And I will go a step further. I found 3 matches that fulfill all the criteria that you have given me.

Now I ask you to go on a date with these 3 people. As I said all 3 of them fit in your box of perfect matches. Now tell me, if these criteria are the deciding factors, will you fall in love with all 3 of them? Of Course not!

Here are the probabilities:

1. You end up liking none

2. You end up liking one

3. You end up liking 2

4. You end up liking all 3

And after going on a couple of dates with the ones you like, either you fall in love with one or you won't!

Now let's say you meet 3 random guys organically and you date them because you find them interesting. (Throw your criterias out of the window)

But the probabilities still remain the same as I listed above. Either one or none. I am sure you understand where I am leading with this.

It's simple, based on the above, there is no formula for falling in love. That's why most of the matches that Sima did, 95% of them didn't work out. And its not Sima's fault. She did a good job of finding matches based on their preferences (Though her remark of 60-70% with every client was annoying). Its the nature of LOVE. The chemistry between 2 people and attraction doesn't follow any rules. The best example is Pradyuman who went on a few dates arranged by Sima in season 1 but ended up finding someone himself (his makeup on his wedding day was cringey). Also Shital Patel, who went on a few dates, found the guys nice but when she was discussing them with her friend, she said that there was no chemistry. Her friend suggested that the one she had chemistry with in the past ended up not being very nice to her. Was she hinting very subtly that she should compromise on chemistry just because the guy is nice. Settling for less than what you want just because things didn’t work out in the past is a fear based decision and I am glad Shital didn't compromise. She also ended up finding someone herself and appeared very happy. I do feel bad for Nadia. In both the seasons, the most hopeless romantic didn't end up finding a suitable match. She was heartbroken and teared up due to a younger boy dumping her due to lack of spark. (I wonder if he was just testing the spark when he kissed her? Why the hell he would kiss the girl if there was no attraction in the first place). 

Lets not judge the success of the show based on how many ended up together. The bottomline is season 1 was a success and people enjoyed watching Sima's shenanigans. And same goes with season 2. It's a fun and entertaining watch. Kudos to the participants who have bared their dating lives for the public to consume. Yes it's an old fashioned way of finding a partner. But these people must have dated and tried their luck by other means. When everything failed they decided to give a shot to the old school way of match making. Fair enough. Parents want their kids to settle down and unfortunately settling down has always been synonymous with getting married, having kids etc. At the end of the day it's a matter of personal choice. So no judgments! But I definitely have an opinion. I wish the show also featured some middle class families instead of rich and affluent. All her clients are rich and successful. Netflix had a winner in season 1 and it surely wanted to cash on its success by having season 2 which has a similar format but it included some people from season 1 who are not using Sima's services like Aparna Shewakramani. Even in season 2, I didn’t understand what she was looking for. Of all the participants, she appeared to be the one who doesn't know what she wants but she surely knows what she doesn't want. With a later approach she is more focussed on finding faults. I am no expert, I am just giving my 2 cents.. OMG,  I am becoming Sima aunty. Looks like she is rubbing off on me. 

Watch it without judgements and enjoy. It reminded me of the time when I was meeting guys and their families for the same purpose and that is what makes it relatable for me.