Top Fitness Coach Brinda Desai, 8 Minute Tabata, Burn Fat, Get Energy

Brinda Desai has been a fitness professional since 1998.

She started out as a group fitness trainer in her college days and ended up enjoying it so much, that she decided to make it a full time career with ACE personal trainer qualification.  She has also written a book titled “Secrets of being Quintessentially Svelte” which is based on the principle of moderation.

Her goal is to get women moving, making them into the best versions of themselves while having fun in a safe environment and to make it a lifelong habit.  She doesn’t believe in quick fixes, she believes in enjoying the journey and constantly benefitting through exercise is what keeps you fit for life! She is proud to say that she has clients that she has trained for over 15 years. 

Empowering women with confidence through fitness is important to her so that women feel great about themselves, go out and shine in any way they wish to! 

Join Us For a Workout! And Enjoy Brinda’s Story!