Chief of Communications Jessicah Pierre Shares Exciting Journey on Michelle Wu's Mayoral Campaign

“Working on Mayor Wu’s campaign was such an incredible experience. Although I was born and raised in Boston, the campaign brought me to parts of the city that I have never been to, and allowed me to become connected to so many communities that I had never interacted with.” Known as “The People’s Publicist, today’s woman dreamer, Jessicah Pierre, is a multi-faceted entrepreneur, who uses her public relations and entrepreneurial skills to build community and elevate the work of social impact brands, political figures and non-profits in the media and online. Jessicah shares some of the most exciting moments from working on Mayor Wu’s campaign and how she built her career in media and publicity. Inspired by the people around her, enjoy Jessicah’s exciting story!

1) Tell us your story. You are in the publicity and media space. What inspires you, and what are some moments in your life that made you the woman you are today? 

What inspired me to work in the media industry is understanding the power of storytelling and how it shapes our views of society. As a media professional in the political space, I know how storytelling can either bring people together, or divide us. 

Throughout my career, I’ve had the opportunity to be a part of powerful advocacy and political campaigns that uplift the voices of those that often go unheard. I’ve seen the impact of communications and media in the global fight for equity and justice. It’s these moments that remind me of how connected we are all, and how our desire to create a better world can bring us together and truly realize social change. 

The people I meet doing this work inspire me on a daily basis. Some key lessons that I have learned are that authenticity is key to community building, networking and building genuine relationships are key, and learning to listen is a much better skill than being the loudest person in the room. 

2) You are the Communications Advisor of the Michelle Wu for Mayor Campaign. That is wonderful! What were some of the key learnings you had working on this campaign? And what was an exciting moment on the campaign trail that you will always remember? 

Working on Mayor Wu’s campaign was such an incredible experience. Although I was born and raised in Boston, the campaign brought me to parts of the city that I have never been to, and allowed me to become connected to so many communities that I had never interacted with. Most importantly though, this campaign taught me what’s possible when we decide that we’re no longer going to accept the status quo and the exclusionary ways in which the government tends to operate. Working for Mayor Wu has been an incredible honor because she is bold and fearless in her pursuit of justice and uplifting our diverse communities. I’ve learned that true equity can be realized, we just have to take the lead of activists and advocates who not only have the lived experience of so many social and economical issues, but they also have the expertise around the solutions. 

I’m so grateful to play a small role in such a historical moment in the city of Boston. I’m so excited for our future and the change we can create. 

3) You also do a lot of volunteer work as a BUILD Mentor, volunteer with Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti, and the Member of Women's Caucus of MA. As we approach the Holidays and Season of Giving, what inspires you to give back and get involved with the community? 

Giving back has always been an important personal value of mine because I am the product of what can happen when you help others. Because of the support I’ve received from my family, friends, managers, and community members, I’m able to be the woman that I am today. That’s why it’s always important for me to help others, especially young people. 

The nonprofits that I have had the honor of serving are doing such impactful work across the world. It’s a pleasure to lend a small hand into their work and mission. The holidays can be such a hard time for so many families, so anything that I can do to make their lives easier, I will do it. 

4) As the platform for women dreamers, what is your next big dream? 

My next big dream is to create a pipeline to get more women and people of color to work in the media. Whether I use my political or community connections, I think it;s so important that we have more representation in this field because the media is responsible for shaping the narratives that our society functions by. When we have more representation in media, we have the ability to tell the truth and empower others to tell their own stories. These stories can serve as a platform to catapult social change and bring more equity and justice for all. I’d love to create a mentorship and scholarship program to support more diversity in professions that work directly with the media. 

Thank you Jessicah for sharing your inspiring story with us! We are excited to have you in our global women’s network!

Bio: Jessicah Pierre is a Publicist, Business Strategist, and Writer whose work has been featured in local outlets such as the Boston Globe to national outlets like BET, the New York Times and the Washington Post. Jessicah uses her public relations and entrepreneurial skills to build community and elevate the work of social impact brands, political figures and non-profits in the media and online. As a writer, Jessicah Pierre covers topics related to politics, business and personal development. Her previous writing experience includes bylines in Glamour Magazine and local newspaper, the Dorchester Reporter. Jessicah began her entrepreneurial ventures back in 2016 when she founded Queens Company, a leading organization in Boston dedicated to empowering women of color professionals and entrepreneurs. She currently serves as the Founder and Principal Publicist of her boutique public relations firm, J. Pierre Communications where she provides media, marketing and business strategy consulting services to politicians, organizations and small business owners.