Tamanna’s TV Picks: Exploring Female Friendships - A Review of Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives

As the name goes, Fabulous lives of Bollywood wives (which is a reality show based on the lives of four women who are married to Bollywood actors of the 90s) lives up to its name. All four women look fabulous and so are their lifestyles. Season 1 of this show has been my guilty pleasure and so is season 2. It is cringeworthy and binge worthy in equal parts. When season 1 came out, I was not too keen to watch it. The life story of 4 women with no body of work didn't ignite my interest. But one day when I was exhausted and fully drained due to long working hours and attending to kids' remote schooling demands, I decided to watch something light and refreshing and that's when I tuned it to this show. So it was my refuge from anything that was deep, dark, mysterious or even intellectually stimulating!

The women have chemistry and they are pretty good actors I must say. In Season 1 where their camaraderie appeared more natural and fun, in Season 2 there is a lot more bitching and behind the back gossip. Opening the can of worms just to spice things up appeared deliberate and scripted. Bhavana and Maheep decided to resolve their long-standing issues and so did Seema and Neelam. The skeletons were out of the closet but the bond only grew stronger.

I refuse to believe that it's a reality show. It appears to be a fictionalized version of the reality show. I was waiting to see them with no makeup and a little less than perfect hairstyles. Even their pajamas are trendy. Ofcourse they can't hide their perfectly botoxed faces! Though I must say that it takes gumption to not only talk about it but take it a step further and show the entire process in the clinic. Kudos to them for that. There was a discussion about menopause, peri-menopause, failed marriages, cheating, and pretty much everything you can think of under the sun. The idea was to show that behind these polished, prim and propré (French proper) lifestyles, lies everyday struggle of a common person. It's not all hunky dory as it appears. Full points to them for showing their vulnerabilities and insecurities. I just wish Maheep's language was a bit more restrained as I have to lower the volume so my kids don't hear it.

There were more special appearances this time which seemed unnecessary. What I liked the most was their safari trip in Rajasthan, especially the part where Neelam and Seema freaked out in the jungle! Their encounters in the wild seemed real and they seemed more into their element during the trip. I don't know how these women are in real life but this show has succeeded in bringing forth a side of them where they can stand on their own and away from the shadows of their spouses. Watch it for the adventures and misadventures of lives of 4 friends who are unapologetic of their tongue-in-cheek remarks and who dare to wear their attitudes on their sleeves.

Tell me, are you going to watch a reality show where women are discussing aloo gobhi, kids homework and other mundane issues? When the cameras are on, can you stay real? Even if I see a CCTV camera, I become conscious. So I won't complain that it's scripted. At Least the script is entertaining!